May 31, 2008

Working PArt TimE...

So tired,working part time...
But still i'm having fun...
I wonder why...I went so far from KL just to work?XD
Actually i'm not really working...I'm just having fun while working...XD
(Am i really wanna get fire?~)
HAHA...Now you can see...I ONLINE while working...XD
(OMG,What am i doing?)
No worries...Now is the lunch time...hehe..o(^-^)o
(What?!~Now only me have my lunch)
Ya,I really starving...Hungry...can eat a lot now~~
(Eating?then why still online?)
Because i miss my friends so i online~~i wonder whats everyone doing..XD
Haha...I will be working part time job for next week...
So,I'll be very busy~~
(Ya,busy so i can't become lazy...)
I'm always lazy,im a lazy lazy girl...XD
I always lazy to do everything...
(Thats why i always get scold)
Haha...Ya...scolded by my mom...
Haha...I love my mom no matter how she scold me...
Well,i Have a lot of photo wanna put in here...In this blog..
But,i didnt bring some i cant upload the photos now...
(Sad ya?)
Ya...i really sad...o(T.T)o
ok...ok...ill stop here...
Hope someone really view my BLOG~
if not,i will be sad...*sob sob~~*